
Rob Rubin (

2054 Fashion Guide, dateline Seattle

Those who are fashion conscious have, for ages, been looking for the 'look' which will bring them the attention that they know they deserve. In the past, one might have gone to a plastic surgeon to make you more attractive and younger looking. But this is a new, awakened world. And people of all races and creeds are looking to a new direction.

The direction of genetics

As we move full-steam into the second half of the twenty-first century, we must keep in mind that the tremendous breakthoroughs in genetic engineering...

	>>> 35 Mp deleted
	        -- Jander  (12:30:33/03-15-54)
	>>>>>[Relax, you've seen it all before.  Look back 
	into the 'Shadowtech' stuff and it explains all the 
	gene-tech and grafting.  I figured it would save 
	space that you all need to add your own 
	comments.  Share and enjoy.]<<<<<
	        -- Tyger  (Any Time / Any When)

This year, the big hoopla was centered on Seattle.

	>>>>>[You expected differently?]<<<<<
	        -- Ursia  (12:45:32/03-15-54)

A new company, AnthroCo., a subsidiary of Aztechnology, has announced a breakthrough in genetics. The ability to alter any human, or metahuman to specific styles. If you thought a Mortimer Greatcoat was style defined, you should see what AnthroCo. has in store for you!

	>>>50 Mp deleted
	>>>>>[Ok, keep your pants on.  If you really want 
	to see this background stuff, download a copy of 
	'Snazzy' magazine.  It's all in there.  But keep in 
	mind that 'Snazzy' is also a subsid of Aztech.  So 
	you can expect a lot of flag waiving and general 
	The gist is talking to the scientists and letting 
	them rave on about the process.  All it is grafting 
	animal DNA to human (& metahuman) genes 
	through a process that they really don't explain, 
	and I could really care less.  All I know is it works. 
	I figured that I could cut to the chase and let you 
	folks cruise over the actual meat & potato(e)s of 
	this article. If you want to read useless junk, go 
	right on ahead...]<<<<<
	        >>>Tyger  (Any time / Any when)

The processes:

"The actual process is broken down into individual parts." explains Dr. J Hamilton of AntrhroCo. "For each individual case, we sit down with the prospective patient and ask them what they want done, we work over the details, and work out a plan. Within a week of the first incision, the patient can walk out the door." He says.

	>>>>>[Don't even think of walking in the door 
	unless you have a LOT of Nuyen to spare.  It aint 
	cheap, and the permit can be murder.  More on 
	that later. I'll let the boys talk about that.]<<<<<
	        -- Abigail  (06:34:25/03-19-54)

"We work one on one with each patient, so they are pleased with the end result." Says Dr. Hamilton. With this work ethic, it's no wonder the list is growing the rate it is.

"We have some ready made package deals available," Dr. Hamilton says. "Because we expect requests for some of the more common animals. However, we can do custom work, and anything is possible in our laboratories."

	>>>>70 Mp Deleted
	>>>>>[We interrupt this bit of flag waiving to 
	bring you.... the TRUTH! What they don't tell you 
	ANYWHERE in the article is how much it costs.  
	So me and a few of the boys went into Aztech to 
	bring you what it costs THEM to give all you 
	people the 'look' you always wanted and never 
	         >>>Tyger  (Any time / Any when)
	Process                 B.I.    Cost 
	Min. Facial Alterations .1      1,500
	Maj. Facial Alterations .5      3,000

This covers moving ears around, modifying cheekbones, rounding out the head, and the like. Minor alteration still leaves you looking vaguely like who you started as. Major is a real trip to the wildside.

	Muzzle (Short)          .3      6,000
	Muzzle (Long)           .7      8,000

A bit more drastic than the facial alterations, but a must for the full fuzz features. Mind you, this cost is on top of the facials! Ouch!

	Natural Fangs           .3      1,500
	Natural Claws           .4      3,500
	Retractable Claws       .5      4,500
	Horns (Small)           .1      3,500
	Horns (Large)           .4      6,000
	Hooves                  .5      6,000

What animal would be complete without claws? These are self explanatory. The claws do the same damage as a set of hand razors. They remove your old nails to put in the claws. And they do grow back.

The horns do (Str)L1 for small, and (Str)S4 for large. (For the Shadowrun 2 people out there, this roughly translates into (Str)L for the small, and (Str+2)S for large, These are BIG HORNS!!!) The small horns are like devil horns, the large ones are like bulls and big- horn rams.

NOTE: This is all dependent on the animal type! If you get rams horns, the large horn damage is "STUN" only seeing the it's only impact. If you get a bull type of large horns, it is 'physical' slash / puncture damage. It's a GM's discretion and final call

Hooves is a weird one, they reconstruct your hands to be something like a club, leaving you with two fingers and an opposable thumb. This can screw your life over a bit (-4 on all skills dependent on finger manipulation, like all B/R skills, firearms, any instrument skill (Except, arguably, drumming...), bike, car, throwing, and so on). So why bother? Well, it acts as a natural club, but it hurts a lot more! <(STR)S2 in 1st ed, (Str)S in 2nd> And, wow. Oh yah, there's rumors of a weaponsmith who'll custom fit a gun for your 'hands', if you got the cash.

	Extended Mandibles      .9      10,000

Very insect like. See the 'Mantis' package notes for more info.

	Tail                    .3      3,000
	Combat Tail             .6      4,500

A normal tail is just that, a tail. The normal model (if you can call it that) is decorative, and only enhances the look. It can, however, be made to act like a real tail in all aspects of the term, mainly that of balance. This costs the surgical team an extra thousand Nuyen <and adds a +1 die to all balance- related skills like athletics, stealth, bike (yes bike!), gunnery, and so forth.>. But it screws your posture but good. Don't worry chummers, they make sure it all works fine in the end product (Pardon the pun), and there isn't any fatigue. (But it's funnier than drek watchin' a 'morph walking with their butts sticking out...)

The combat tail is weighted, and can have a poison injector inside it (And that's not only illegal, but it costs ESSENCE to install the 'stinger' injector <.2 for the injector, and it's retractable too!> But since when did that ever stop us?) The injector holds four doses of anything you put into it. (4 human doses. You adjust accordingly per race.) Either way, either tail is sturdy enough to use as a hand (at about 1/2 Quickness) and it can be used to hold onto large objects. But believe you/me. It can't hold a troll...

	Digitigrade Legs        1.75    10,000
	Quadruped System        2.9*    50,000
	Fur / Scales            .75     20,000
	Skinchange              .2       5,000
	Heavy Scales            1.0     25,000
	Full Exo-Skeleton       2.0     50,000
	Frame Alterations       1.5     20,000
	  *The Quadroped system takes 2.9 Essence

Digitigrade legs move your feet so you walk on the tips, a lot like a dog. Trust me, this really screws you up for a week or so. (+7 to all action-oriented target numbers. This number goes down one per day, as you get used to it.) But the advantage is it can make you move like a banshee in heat once you get into it. (+2 to reaction, and it adds +3 to quickness for movement purposes only.)

The 'quadroped system' is a fun one. They rip out your skeleton, and replace it with a plasteel one. Now, it's not like the OTHER 'steel skeleton' the sammies know and love. It's not armored. But, once you activate it, it runs through pistons and wires and makes you a 4 legged version of the animal you're sculpted to be.

The bad part. You have to have the digitigrade legs, starter. You get the most realistic sculpt you can (read, the most expensive), and then you go under the knife. Once you get it, it takes about five minutes for the full change over. When it's done, you look like either a really small bear, a really big doggie, or an average size lion.

What's so bad? From what we hear, the process is painful the first few times you use it, and you have to get used to walking on all 4's, and all your cyberware may not fit you anymore, and your armor won't fit, and so on and so forth. You can get 'customised' armor made up, if you'd like, if you can find someone to make it for you.

There is a brighter side, tho'. Because your using all 4 limbs for movement only, it tends to make you faster and more agile. **<+2 dice athletics, +3 quickness, and a +1 to reaction when in full form>** It also tends to make a Johnson a bit more lucrative in the cash department, soka?

A skinchange just pigments the dermis to a color pattern of your choice. This can simulate anything from a white rabbit to a orange and black striped tiger to a black & white zebra. Once you choose it, it doesn't change, it's permanent, kids. That is, until you go in for a different style. It's like a tattoo with an attitude, really.

The fur and scales are pretty much self explanatory. There is a chance of getting cancer from this process. **<roll body, target of 7 minus body. Dermal plating does NOT help. If you have two successes, you are cancer free. If not, the cost to cure it is double the initial surgery, and it removes the fur / scales.>**

Heavy scales give the person actual armor! (1 ballistic, 2 impact) The full Exo-skeleton is even more so! (4 Ballistic, 4 Impact) but it munches your speed **<+1 to all active skills for heavy scales, and +2 to all active skills for the exo-skeleton, including firearms! Also, a - 1 to quickness for heavy scales, -2 for exo- skeleton>**. All in the quest to be a walking panzer, I guess.

Frame alterations basically make you smaller or bigger. Our figures guess somewhere around the 15-35% mark each way. This is covered in the other posting of 'biosculpting', but it's included in here so you can look more like a beast of your choice. I mean, who'd be intimidated by a scrawny little bear? (I know some guys who'd hug you instead a shooting you!)

Keep in mind that all those prices was the factory cost! The cost at the Seattle AnthroCo. Clinic is about x1.5 that cost, and a ripperdoc's cost can be higher still.

And, before you forget, remember you need permits for implanted weapons! AnthroCo. is generous enough to register you as an armed 'anthropomorph' in Lone-Star files. But, a ripperdoc doesn't ask questions (usually). The cost of the permit is equal to a weapon of like. (For example, a small blade weapon will cover fangs and claws. And a large bladed weapon will cover the larger horns.)

Package deals:

"Because of the high demand on certain types of changeovers," Dr. Kass says "We have package deals that cover all the basics of a certain animal type. In the past, we have gotten some rather obscure requests, but we can do virtually anything that a customer can think up."

	>>>>>[Sorry to interrupt again, but I feel I have to 
	apologize.  See, the rest of this is all color adverts.  
	And, seeing the medium I'm using, I can't show 
	the photos.  Now, granted, they look real nice.  
	But the words are as effective. Oh yeah, 
	remember that this is the cost to the consumer if 
	you go to AnthroCo. Buyer beware?  Neh?  So, 
	again, Sorry about the no-photos.]<<<<<
	        -- Tyger (Any Time / Any When)
	>>>>>[Sure, he can blot out a time-date stamp, 
	but he can't zap a simple picture. Ha.]<<<<<
	        -- Jander  (00:49:23/03-23:54)


This package has a few incarnations. The first is a slight modification, only changing the facial features slightly and adding a tail. (Minor facial, Short muzzle, a tail and skinchange.

Body: .9
Cost : 23,250

The second is a more striking cat, stronger features, and a stronger appearance. (Major facial, short muzzle, natch fangs, retractable claws, tail, fur[you specify pattern]

Body: 2.65
Cost : 57,000

	>>>>>[Expensive, yes.. But worth every 
	        >>>Tyger  (Any Time / Any When)
	>>>>>[Says you, you mangy furball.]<<<<<
	        -- Rascal  (17:38:46/04:10:54)


Again, this comes in stages. Dependent on your needs. For example, the pit-bull, a popular option for the back-alley types, is easily done. (Major facial, muzzle (short), natural fangs, (tail is negligible), digitigrade legs, fur.

Body: 3.6
Cost: 60,750
*<Note : Stub tails cannot be used for the 'balance tail' as above>*

This package also covers many other types of species such as wolves, foxes, and the like.

	>>>>>[Mix and match the price list above, I know 
	an elf who had a fox conversion.  Neat guy, too 
	bad about the choice, however...]<<<<<
	        >>>Tyger  (Any Time / Any When)
	>>>>>[Yah, right.]<<<<<
	        >>>Kit  (14:14:14/03-21-54)


We offer this mainly because we have had several requests for it in the Seattle area. It consists of replacing the body with the full exoskeleton and adding the mandibles. The effect is disturbing, if the user wants it to be. (Frame alteration, mandibles, and the exoskeleton).

Body: 4.4
Cost: 120,000

We have also done one conversion to a scorpion-type humanoid for an up and coming urbanbrawler. Be watching the vids for him!

	>>>>>[I wouldn't go for this one, 
	        -- Rascal  (13:23:55/03-20-54)
	>>>>>[Why not?]<<<<<
	        -- Wolfman  (13:24:10/03-20-54)
	>>>>>[I don't know the details, but it seems there 
	was this guy who likened himself to an insect, 
	something about the perfect predator and his 
	connections.  Well, he saved up the money and 
	got himself a conversion.  On the way out of the 
	ripperdoc, he was geeked by about thirty 'runners 
	all yelling it was a bug and it should be killed.  
	Personally, I was on the other end of the sprawl 
	when it happened...]<<<<<
	        -- Rascal  (13:25:12/04-02-54)


Again, this was by special request, but it was so interesting that we have added it to the line. This was made for 'Minotaur', a no-holds combat fighter on the Tri-vids. It has caused quite a stir, and it's now available to the public. (Major facial, Long muzzle, digitigrade legs, skinchange, and large horns. The tail is negligible.

Body: 3.55
Cost: 48,000

	>>>>>[Obviously, not for the carnivore in your 
	        >>>Jander  (23:30:43/03-29-54)


This style had long been popular. The fact that the Tri-vid show "Dinosaurs" has done so well is a tribute to this. So we offer this for the true beasts that roam the streets. (Minor facial, Short muzzle (or long, but this one is for short), natch fangs, retract claws, combat tail, digitigrade legs and scales).

Body: 4.0
Cost: 60,000

	>>>>>[Keep in mind they will add whatever you 
	want to add.  A chummer of mine had this done, 
	and he got the heavy scales and got an injector on 
	the tail.  WOW!  This guy can rock with the best of 
	them!  Oh yeah, this is a fun convert if you like to 
	slam in the local mosh pit!]<<<<<
	        -- Predator  (10:32:52/04-01-54)
	>>>>>[Dunkelzahn won't be amused.]<<<<<
	        -- Highwayman  (17:33:54/04-08-54)
	        -- Dunkelzahn  (--:--:--/--:--:--)
	        -- Jander (13:23:11/04-10-54)


Some people are naturally drawn to bears of all kinds, so we include this with our stock exotica forms. (Minor facial, Short muzzle, natch fangs, natch claws, tail (negligible in costs) and fur).

Body: 1.95
Cost : 48,750

	>>>>>[There's a troll out there somewhere with 
	this.  I had the honor to work with  him once.  
	Awesome doesn't even begin to describe this 
	guy.  Honest to ghost, this guy picked up three 
	Lone Star's and threw them across the street! 
	Simultaneously!  One mean bear.  I'd like to work 
	with this guy again
	        -- Flynn  (06:23:54/03-22-54)
	        -- Ursia  (23:55:23/03-25-54)


Horses have often been signs of strength, loyalty, and bravery. So it seemed natural to include this into the package lists of AnthroCo. Any coat pattern can be made. (Major facial, long muzzle, hooves, fur skinchange, tail, and frame alteration).

Body: 3.5
Cost: 53,250

	>>>>>[I've heard a rumor that there's a ripperdoc 
	somewhere in Chicago that's willing to do one of 
	these with a twist.  Seems he's found a way to 
	make 'Joe Public' into a Pegasus furry or a unicorn! 
	Again, I dunno the validity of this, but I can tell 
	you that a chummer To mine said one of the 
	'houses of pleasurable delights' over there has a 
	uni- morph as a "paid employee".  Then again, he's 
	one to over-use a BTL, ya
	        -- Zappy  (19:58:33/04-9-54)
	>>>>>[NO RUMOR!!!  It's fact!  He also knows a 
	way to make a Pegasus furry FLY!  An eagle 
	shaman friend of mine said it was some 
	quickened thing, but it was spooky.  Whoever he 
	was got shot down by UCAS as a UFO and was 
	taken in for questioning...  'just hope they don't 
	ask 'bout me.]<<<<<
	        -- Tyger  (Any Time / Any When)

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